Rapid Growth

Do You Trust Your Data? 5 Essential Questions to Ask.

Matthew New
September 18, 2024

In a data-driven world, it's easy to assume that having analytics in your app automatically means you're on the path to success. But how much faith do you really have in the insights your analytics provide? More importantly, is that faith justified? In this post, we’ll explore strategies to help you evaluate the quality and effectiveness of your analytics.

1. Are You Tracking the Right Metrics?

The first step in developing trust in your analytics is making sure you're measuring the right things. Many companies track a bunch of data points, but not all of them are valuable. When you put together your tracking plan, make sure you ask yourself:

  • Are these metrics aligned with my business goals?
  • Do they offer actionable insights, or are they vanity metrics that look good but don’t drive change?

Tip: Set OKRs for your company on a quarterly basis to help you focus on the metrics that directly impact your bottom line or strategic objectives.

2. Is Your Data Accurate?

Analytics is only as good as the data feeding into it. Inaccurate data leads to unreliable conclusions, undermining your trust. Common causes of inaccurate data include inconsistent tracking, integration issues between tools, or duplicate data.

  • Are you confident in the quality of your data sources?
  • Do you have processes to regularly audit your data for accuracy?

Tip: Regularly review your data and integrate quality control checks. Oftentimes, having someone perform a basic validation or sanity check on the data can help expose problems.

3. Are You Interpreting the Data Correctly?

Data is objective, but interpretation can be subjective. Misinterpreting data can lead to faulty conclusions and misguided strategies. It’s important to:

  • Analyze trends over time rather than reacting to single data points.
  • Involve multiple perspectives when analyzing your data to avoid bias from one group over another.

Tip: Make reviewing data part of your team's routine by looking at your metrics together on a weekly basis. Consistent practice will improve your ability to interpret analytics and foster a data-driven culture.

4. Do You Act on Your Insights?

Analytics should not just be a passive tool that gives you reports. They’re meant to drive decisions and actions. If you're not using the insights you gather to make real changes, then what's the point?

  • How often are analytics influencing decision-making in your company?
  • Are insights tied to tangible business outcomes?

Tip: Develop a clear process for translating analytics insights into action plans.Those weekly data review meetings should influence your development backlog.

5. Is Your Analytics Platform Evolving with You?

Business needs change over time, and so should your analytics approach. Whether it's adding new metrics, integrating advanced tools like machine learning, or simply adapting to industry trends, your analytics should grow as you do.

  • Are you regularly reviewing your analytics setup to ensure it aligns with current goals?
  • Is your platform capable of scaling with your business?

Tip: Periodically reassess your analytics tools and processes to ensure they evolve with your business needs.


Having faith in your analytics is crucial to making informed decisions that drive business success. But that faith must be built on a foundation of the right metrics, accurate data, proper interpretation, action, and ongoing evolution. Take the time to evaluate whether your analytics is truly serving your needs—or if it's time to rethink your approach.

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